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The Big List: What To Pack For Your Next Book Event
Vendor events - like craft fairs, holiday festivals, and conferences - can be great places to sell books and market yourself as a local auth

Finding Your People: 7 Steps To Starting Your Own Critique Group
Thousands of writers are searching for their perfect critique group match, just like you.

2025 Picture Book Creator’s Conference: A Virtual Event You Can’t Miss!
If you’ve ever dreamed of creating a children’s book that captivates young readers and stands out in the competitive world of publishing,...

How to Get a Book Published for Beginners
The world of publishing offers two main paths: traditional publishing and self-publishing.

New Year’s Resolutions For Authors
I’m here to share my expertise and help you make a writing resolution for 2025 that you might actually keep!

Why You Write: How To Publish A Book That Will Make You Proud
Everyone has different reasons for writing, and different visions of success…and they are ALL valid. But different reasons for writing mean

How To Publish A Book For Free: And How Not To
The publishing world is full of rags to riches stories. But, is it still possible to break into publishing if you don’t have any money?

FREE Writing Contests for Children's Authors
Free writing contests and challenges are a fun way to stretch your writing muscles and make new friends in the writing community. And...

What Teachers Want In A Classroom Library
By: Bethany Hughes As a teacher, with almost a decade of early childhood and elementary classroom experience, I have spent hundreds of...

6 MORE Types of Writers in Facebook Groups
Facebook writers’ groups are full of all types of people and personalities - 6 of which we highlighted in our previous post on the topic,...

Book Inspired Halloween Costumes for Kid Lit Authors
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year, and publishing a Halloween picture book is definitely on my bucket list! But you...

Don't Be A Dummy...Make One! Top 3 Ways To Plan The Layout of Your Picture Book
When writing a children's picture book, the art tells half the story (more, in some cases!) Because of this, your picture book layout is...

Stop Searching for Publishing Companies
Social media is full of posts like this: As an author coach, every time I see someone looking for a “publishing company” I cringe. Not...

SEO for Authors - 5 Quick Tips
When I started my author journey, I knew how important it was to have a website so I got a simple one up and running. I'd heard of SEO...

How Much Does It Cost To Publish a Book? (A Breakdown for Picture Book Writers)
When it comes to writing your first children's book, you may be wondering: how much will it actually cost? In this blog post, I'm going...
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