Live Calls With a Publishing Coach | At Home Author
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Prefer a live 1:1 coaching model?

Let's face it, self-paced courses aren't right for everyone. If you'd rather have tried-and-true curriculum  that's customized to you - where you meet weekly with an expert book coach to hold your hand through it all - then our coaching model might be for you!

Packages we offer:

Write-It! - Get your children's book written in just 4 weeks.


Get Agented - In just 8 weeks, you'll have your story polished, query letter perfected, expert support, and everything you need to get agented FASTER than the 12+ month average.


Book Launch Coaching - Sell 500-2,000+ books in your first month of publication with our proven strategy during this 16 week individual coaching program.*


Boost Your Book Sales - Increase your current book sales in just 12 weeks!* (This is for already published authors)


...or combine packages for the whole experience!


Pricing starts at $1,000/month and gets you one 30-45 minute live 1:1 coaching call per week for the duration of the coaching package.


Our coaching curriculum is proven to get you the results you want. How do we know? Our strategies don't just work for our students...they work for US! 



Each week, we'll meet for a private 30-45 minute coaching session to get you closer to hitting your goals. What we focus on in these calls is guided by what you need the most help with, where you are in the curriculum, and where we left off the previous week.



Email us anytime - we'll answer your questions and give you feedback outside of our calls as quickly as possible! Our normal response time is 24-48+ hours but our coaching clients get priority response rates.



Our goal is for you to walk away feeling confident. Everything we teach you is proven and repeatable - you can use it with every future book you publish! We won't just teach you how a strategy works, we'll give you all the tools, resources, templates, and guidance to do it well.


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