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Here, you'll find content from the experts at At Home Author to help you get your children's book published!
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What is Amazon KDP?
A print-on-demand company like KDP makes your book available worldwide on Amazon.

How To Plan A Virtual Book Tour in 8 Steps
Let’s face it, carrying copies of our books around in the trunks of our cars may be as close as some of us will ever get to a physical...

9 Book Marketing Ideas (That Won't Cost You a Dime!)
As children's book authors, we all know how important marketing is. But if you're just starting out and you don't have a large budget, it...

How to Illustrate a Children's Book When You're Not an Artist
When you've decided to write a children's book, it's easy to wonder how to actually get the art for the book. If you're an artist, then...

Where (+ How) To Find A Literary Agent
Most authors know that the querying process can be long and frustrating. We EXPECT to get rejections. We KNOW it’s going to take time....

Best Apps for Authors
When it comes to writing and publishing children's books, there are tons of online tools out there to help you achieve your goals. In...

Freelance vs. Acquisitions: 2 Different Types of Editors
The word “editor” can mean very different things to different people in the publishing world - and often it depends on who you’re talking to

4 Reasons Your Children's Book Isn’t Selling
In this blog post, I'm going to talk about the top 4 reasons why your book isn't selling. And most importantly, how to fix that!

How to Write a Children's Book with No Experience
If want to write a children's book, but don't have any experience, don't worry! In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to get...

The Secret to Sell More Books
Whether you're a new author or you've been published for a while, at some point you may wonder how to sell more books.

12 Legitimate Children's Book Publishers That Accept Unagented Submissions
When you've decided on the traditional publishing route, the next step in the process is to query agents or book publishers directly

How to Find a Publisher for Your Children's Book - The Exact Steps!
If you're a children's book author with a completed manuscript, the next step is to find a publisher.
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