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Here, you'll find content from the experts at At Home Author to help you get your children's book published!
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Do Traditional Publishers Really Take Care Of Marketing?
One of the biggest myths about traditional publishing is that a traditional publisher will take care of all of the marketing for you.
Meet Literary Agent Paige Terlip
Paige Terlip is an agent at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. She is based in Denver, Colorado and represents everything from picture books
Meet Literary Agent Adria Goetz
At Home Author chats with literary agent, Adria Goetz about publishing and the querying process.
An Author Asks: Am I Wasting My Time?
You’ve asked the big question. The question that just about every author wonders about at some point in their writing career...
5 Reasons A Literary Agent Might Reject Your Book…that have nothing to do with your writing
Want to hear a little secret? Rejection does NOT always = bad writing. I know; I was surprised when I learned that too! As writers (and...
7 Things I've Learned Interning as a Literary Agent
By: Tayler Hill, intern at The Purcell Agency Over the past month and a half, I have had the pleasure of working with a group of talented...
Stop Searching for Publishing Companies
Social media is full of posts like this: As an author coach, every time I see someone looking for a “publishing company” I cringe. Not...
How Much Does It Cost To Publish a Book? (A Breakdown for Picture Book Writers)
When it comes to writing your first children's book, you may be wondering: how much will it actually cost? In this blog post, I'm going...
How to Get a Book Agent...Using Twitter!
Lots of people want to get traditionally published so they start querying literary agents. But did you know that Twitter can help you get...
Writing for Children: 8 Tips from the Pros
When you’re just starting your journey writing for children, you usually have more questions than answers, and lots and lots of doubt!...
Self Publishing vs Traditional Publishing: The 8 Factors You Need to Consider
If you're an aspiring children's book author, then you're probably wondering whether it's better to self-publish or go with a traditional pu
Top 5 Reasons Why Teachers Make the Best Authors
But did you know that the skills that make a great teacher are also the characteristics of a great children's book author?
How to Query Literary Agents in 4 Steps
Literary agents are invaluable to the publishing process, as they provide the expertise and knowledge needed to make sure an author's work g
Where (+ How) To Find A Literary Agent
Most authors know that the querying process can be long and frustrating. We EXPECT to get rejections. We KNOW it’s going to take time....
Freelance vs. Acquisitions: 2 Different Types of Editors
The word “editor” can mean very different things to different people in the publishing world - and often it depends on who you’re talking to
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